Real-Time Settings in TerraSync for connecting to a VRS/RTN video

See our SeilerSoulitons You Tube page for a video on how to set up Real-Time Settings in TerraSync when obtaining corrections from a VRS*/RTN** network.

Also, see our blog about GNSS/PDOP  filter settings when using TerraSync with Real-Time corrections such as via a VRS/RTN network.  These Trimble recommended settings are for optimal data collection for Real-Time collection.

Real-Time Settings in TerraSync VRS_RTN_2

*VRS – Virtual Reference Stations:  You will see or hear these terms with Trimble base station networks.  You will see this in IA, IL and IN if using the Trimble VRS NOW network.  Other state-run DOT networks that are also made up of Trimble base stations in the Midwest are: KY, NB, MO, MN, WI, OH.  We use the CMRPlus and or CMRx NTRIP Protocols to connect to these networks.

**RTN – Real-Time Network:  You will see or hear this term with other non Trimble base stations networks.  In the Midwest, state-run DOT networks are in IA, IN, Lower and Upper Michigan.  We can also use our Trimble software and hardware with the RTCM3_IMAX or CMRP_IMAX NTRIP Protocols to connect to these networks.